Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Newspaper ad project

Budget: $97
Column width x height = size x $4
My Dimensions:
4(7.71") x 6.0625" = 24.25 x $4 = $97

My target audience is artists of all ages and skill levels.
My call to action will is "Make great characters"
I had to use a bitmap image on this ad. It had to be created by line drawing first and tracing with a .5 inch sharpie pen. (.5 was a personal choice)
Line screen is important with bitmaps as they are measured by lines per inch.

5 thumbnails

1 rough (ruler used)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Chapter 8,9,&10

CSR role: Customer Service Representatives are the common contacts for a job and should be informed of everything about your job when dropping it off at the printer.

Talking with the Printer: Usually when you go to the printer, a salesperson will be your first contact, they will ask you questions about your job and refer you to a CSR, who can handle your job.

Planning for Print: When planning for your print, always keep the dimensions, colors, and substrates of your job in mind. These can include;
Document Size, Adequate Bleed, and Internal Panel sizes.

Check Rasters/Vectors: When supplying rasters for a project, be sure that it is in the proper format for the printer, and be sure that the resolution is set correctly. Depending on your job, the resolution can be drastically different. With Vectors be sure that they have the correct colors (Pantones are a safe bet here). Also be sure to supply the proper images and fonts. This can be done by either embedding them or package the images and fonts together. The best practice is to embed the images and fonts, but also package them , as well, just to be safe.

Types of proofs: sometimes called random proofs or scatter proofs, these show a sample of what your project should look like after being printed.

Scale & Rotate in PS: Always scale and rotate any images in photoshop or some other file editing software before placing it in InDesign.

Resolution for output: Usually, 300 Dpi is the proper resolution for output. Although depending on the project a a lower resolution could be "good enough", especially if the project is a large banner or sign.

Color Space in PS & AI: Always convert images to Pantone or spot colors. This way the printer can match the color exactly, and it will look correct, no matter what.

Flatten or layered: The choice of using a flattened image or a layered image depends on two things, the user and the printer. If the user is skilled, then they may be able to use layered files efficiently, and if the printer allows for it, layered files may fly, but if either of them don't work well with layers, then flattening is the way to go. Just be sure to save an extra copy before destroying some part of a project.

Transparency: Transparency is the amount of alpha in pixels. Something between 1 and 0. The less alpha a pixel has the less visible it is.

Creating a Path: Paths are created by drawing a shape on top of an image and choose create clipping mask. This path will show through like a window in whatever shape the path was in.
Duotones: Duotones are images that are comprised of 2 colors, usually black and a spot color, although, sometimes black can be traded for another spot color, depending on the designers specifications.
AI Artboards: This is the imaginary "paper" that a designer can use to create vectors in Adobe Illustrator.
Bleed Settings: Bleed Settings in Ilustrator apply to all sides, they can not be custom shapes. They can be up to one inch in depth.
AI Simplify complex art: The simplify command in ilustrator "modifies" an image by reducing the number of points used to make a vector image.

AI Clean Up: Clean up deletes all points outside of the current work.

AI Effects & Clipping Mask: Effects in illustrator either alter the inside, the outside, or both, of a vector path. Clipping Masks however, "punch out" parts of an image in the shape of the mask.

AI Transparency: While Transparency may look similar in Photoshop and Illustrator, they have key differences. One of the main differences is that Illustrator will overlap 2 spot colors, which are then converted to CMYK to accommodate the transparency.
AI Linked & Embedded image: You can either link or embed images within illustrator files. If the images are not packaged properly, they can be re-linked. This is of course assuming that the designer still has access to the original image.

Variable Data Direct Mail Project

The purpose of this project is to create a variable data mailer for a shoe store.
My target audiences are Men and Women.
The Call to Action is a tag line, such as "Be Bold".
Trim Size: 5"tall x 7"wide
Bleed: 1.25"
Margins: .25" all around
Finishing: This will have a gloss finish on one side.
#of Colors: 2 Colors per Post Card
Paper: Card Stock
5 Thumbnails:

2 Roughs:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chapters 6 & 7

PostScript: consists of two files: bitmaps and a printer component containing the postscript instructions for printing the character. Can contain only 256 glyphs.

TrueType: consists of a single file. Was unuseable by RIPs until recently. ( Without a little fenagling)

OpenType: consists of a single file. These can be used on Macs and PCs, interchangeably. Also, they can contain more than 65,000 glyphs.

Font Family: typically a set of fonts all with the same typeface, but different sizes, weights and slants.

Glyphs:Single characters in a given font.

Dfonts: data only fonts. These consist of a data fork and a resource fork. Usually named like PostScript fonts, which can be confusing. They require dedicated font management software.

Multiple Master Fonts: these fonts have many changeable variables such as, weights, angles and widths. Although, users rarely knew how to manage the fonts, package the fonts, or ensure that the press operators knew how to handle the fonts.

Licensing: All fonts contain licenses that specify the way the font should be used or distributed. To this end, most fonts must be purchased, to allow the user access to them. EULAs can sometimes be a hassle to deal with, considering that they may prohibit packaging fonts.

File Naming:File naming has come a long way in its life. Originally, file names had to be 8 characters long then a dot and then a 3 letter extension. Now, file names can have spaces, and dashes and almost any character imaginable, so long as it isn't illegal characters. (!@#$*%) Also, not forbidden, but definitely to be avoided, are slashes and colons, as they are usually reserved for file-handling nomenclature within a given software.

Extensions: File extensions have grown just as much as naming conventions. Originally file extensions were all but absent on Macintosh, instead opting for a data and resource fork to control the files. They are really useful for human recognition of file type and cross-platform work.

Formats that can cross platforms: Most formats can cross platforms currently, a few are; .eps, .BMP, .PCT, .GIF, and .JPG, respectively.

Info sources: Real world print production with adobe creative suite applications.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Rundown: Copyright

What is a Copyright?
A Copyright grants an owner the right to reproduce or transfer a drawing, font , photograph, or other images to other media. It also protects music, film, written works, intellectual property (e.g. Mickey Mouse), Online content and images.

A Copyright does not however protect ideas, styles or techniques. This is why a "family style" recipe is kept in a family, because it is extremely difficult to prove that it was stolen.

How is a Copyright awarded?
A Copyright is awarded immediately, as soon as a work is published. (This does not need to be a public publishing, as long as an owner can prove that is was published.) There is nothing else needed to receive a Copyright.
Once an owner has a Copyright, they can assign certain rights to others. Such as copying a specific work for an ad. Usually this confines the use to specific media, and for specific projects.

Copyright notice example: ©DanPhelan 2012
A Copyright notice displays to others that an owner actually owns a work.

Sources personal experience and http://www.copyright.gov